The battle for middle earth windows bfme1 bfme2 rotwk s the battle for middle earth ii old lotr battle for middle earth 2 cd keys play battle for middle earth Lotr Battle For Middle Earth 2 Cd KeysTuto Le Seigneur Des Anneaux La Bataille Pour Terre Du Milieu 2Battle For Middle Earth 2 Witch King. Install the BFME 2 All-In-One Patch Installer & Switcher. The mini image however will need to be mounted if you want to play the game. After this step, you can unmount the install iso from earlier. Once it has worked, it will keep working. After install, launching the game instantly used to work best for me. How much dmg is 34 frost damage in classic. So, here it is, a simple step by step procedure to getting Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II (LOTRBFME2) to work on your windows 10 machine. After digging around on various message boards and piecing together solutions I got it to work. Installed BFME 2, fails to run, install the 1.06 patch, still fails. I’m trying to install on a Windows 10 system, installing the game onto my secondary drive D. A separate Roaming folder exists, but both don’t have BFME 2 in them.